Q1: How to become a member of Kallol

Please use the Forms Menu option and click on the membershup form. Take a print out, fill it and mail it at the mentioned address with the specified amount. Once received and validated you will be notified.

Q2: I am an existing member of Kallol, but can’t access Member restricted options, on the web site.

If you are an existing member of kallol, we have migrated your account. Login with the same credentials. Choose login in the sign up dialog box.

Q3: I am having trouble registering my account.

Please feel free to use the contact us menu option with the details of the issue along with the email id that you are trying to register. We will be glad to help you.

Q4: I am having trouble for NJDP registration

Please feel free to write an emial to Poushali Mookherjea at poushali.nj@gmail.com or Ashok Ganguly at aganguly@optonline.net

Q5: I paid for NJDP recieved the pay pal receipt , but no email from Kallol confirming the registration

Sometimes the emails go to spam folder, please check your spam folder. If you did not find it Please feel free to write an emial with the receipt received from paypal to Poushali Mookherjea at poushali.nj@gmail.com or Ashok Ganguly at aganguly@optonline.net

Q6: What financial benefits does a member get vs. a non-member ?

A: There is a lot of pride we take on calling ourselves as a “Kallol Member”. From just being able to connect and network with 500+ individuals with substantial repute in their respective area of work in the tri-state area, to a warm “homely” atmosphere which thrives the essentials of BENGALI tradition. there is a lot Kallol has to offer. following is just a mere glimpse of what once can save financially every year by becoming a member –

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